Opskrift på Key Lime Pie

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Sæt bunden på køl mens du laver fyldet. Fordel det ovenpå den kolde tærte og pynt med limeskal Topping — Italiensk marengs Kom sukkeret i en gryde sammen med vandet. Bag bunden i 10 min. Add in condensed milk and mix on high until smooth and thick.

Tilsæt revet limeskal og pisk ved laveste hastighed. How To Make the Best Key Lime Pie Calories: 517 kcal Carbohydrates: 66 g Protein: 8 g Fat: 25 g Saturated Fat: 15 g Cholesterol: 81 mg Sodium: 262 mg Potassium: 359 mg Sugar: 58 g Vitamin A: 16.

Key limepie - lækker opskrift - Rør rundt i massen indtil kiksene er helt gennemvædet af smørret og det bliver en tyk fast masse. Supersyndig chokolade cheesecake 1 stk Bund: 225 g Oreos kiks 100 g smør, smeltet 1,25 dl lyst rørsukker Ganache: 3½ dl piskefløde 600 g mørk chokolade 70%, hakket 0,7 dl Kahlúa Flødeostfyld: 700 g flødeost 2½ dl lys rørsukker 1½ spsk hvedemel 1½ spsk mørk rom 3 spsk instant kaffepulver 1½ spsk.

And the stress in my life has once again got the best of my health and so I needed to take a step back and sort of recuperate and take care of myself again. Anyone with an autoimmune disease knows exactly what I mean when I say that stress is the strongest and quickest way to trigger inflammation and illness. Something about it gives me so much energy, instead of taking any. And of course, eating well is the best kind of medicine too! Nothing matters more than health, and that will never be cliché. I really hate a weak and sweet key lime pie. This one is gorgeous. And the texture is so lovely and so rich. I am not down. This recipe is just way too easy to make and tastes like heaven. So we do what we can then. Bring the crust up the edges as well. Pie will rise slightly but the filling won't change color. You can also place it in the freezer instead of the fridge to cool it quicker. Just remember to remove it before it turns into ice cream!


Marengsen kommes på kagen med en sprøjtepose og en passende tylle og er herefter klar til servering. I would love to hear your experience. If you have to, you could use regular lime juice although I would only use freshly squeezed lime juice and I hesitate to do this because the flavor of the pie wont be as good. Pour them into a bowl and stir in sugar and melted butter. Jeg brugte kondenseret mælk fra Nestlé og havde købt limefrugter for at bruge skallen men supplerede med friskpresset limesaft, som findes sammen med citronsaften i supermarkedet. Jeg brugte skallen fra 4 limefrugter.